WordPress, core contributor

I have been a Design Lead for 3 releases of WordPress (5.0, 5.4, 5.6) and involved in numerous others. I also led a default theme release and supported several others. I am a core committer and component maintainer.

WordPress, the new editor

Design lead for the first phase of the project and continued to work on this project for a number of years during my time at Automattic. This was codenamed Gutenberg.

Global styles

One of the projects I got to work on within the editing experience of WordPress after the initial release, was global styles – allowing anyone to create styling without having to know code.

Extendify, experience

Worked as the Head of design at Extendify, I worked on the initial experience for this startup which looks to extend WordPress, enabling more to access it. The screenshot is a work in progress of the browsing interface.

Extendify, templates and patterns

Whilst at Extendify, I worked on all visuals including their library of unique templates, patterns and styles. I also originated their automatic template creation system.

Usability testing contract

Mastodon, usability testing

Ran a series of usability tests for Mastodon.social and created report from that of recommendations.

Upfocus, advisor

Advisor for Upfocus on their user experience direction, creating their design team foundation, practices and supporting as they move to look to the first round of investment.

Ongoing Contract

XWP, senior product designer

Contract work for XWP working on various Enterprise clients. I also help with hiring and advise on design operation processes. I created a Learn Gutenberg course and learning materials that now all Engineering hires follow along with advising around the new editor.